Barbei dolls
Barbei dolls, get you Barbei dolls here! Fresh from idjits who copy-paste for a living.

Barbei dolls, get you Barbei dolls here! Fresh from idjits who copy-paste for a living.
One of the things I hate most: six commercials one after the other every after five minutes of the show you’re watching. And this is what THEY put up with! By THEY I mean my now-so-TV-oriented-family who gets mad whenever I change the channel during commercials! And what do THEY miss?! NOTHING! Just damned commercials!
I don’t know if anyone else has noticed, but it seems that the Filipino Christmas season starts on the –ber months and ends on Christmas Day itself, when in actuality it starts on Christmas Day and ends on the Feast of the Three Kings… Things are a LOT quieter in the real Christmas season… makes you think that everyone else is asleep because of pre-Christmas revelry.
Today is a good day. A LUCKY one, even. Rather odd for something that started with a horrible dream about a humongous anaconda that ate up my grandma and a niece (though I have NO idea what niece and whose).
I won't say much about the vigil, except that it makes me feel a lot brighter about Christmas.
Mom got mad at me yesterday for not spending my money on enough clothes. The purpose of the trip to the mall was to restock my closet. And I think I didn’t do that.
Ang hirap mag-isip ng post title. Damn, this one's title is so... MUNDANE. Maybe I should do a format for my titles, or just put in random words I can think of. Like schmooby, sheep, snarky, wrick, lotus-shaped eyes, canticorum, jubilo, regi, magno, psalite...
So here I am again. I haven’t been blogging properly; my last post was about a week ago. Still, I don’t feel like writing here everything that happened, even the important ones. Well to start last Saturday, we went to the La Salle Variety show thing. I would have enjoyed it better if I had friends along. I mean, I had no intention of going in the first place.
I'm too stressed out to actually type everything that's happened to me these past two weeks. I feel like I aged a lightyear. Ugh. Nah, maybe just a year.