Tuesday, December 27, 2005


One of the things I hate most: six commercials one after the other every after five minutes of the show you’re watching. And this is what THEY put up with! By THEY I mean my now-so-TV-oriented-family who gets mad whenever I change the channel during commercials! And what do THEY miss?! NOTHING! Just damned commercials!

Oh WHERE is the Voice of Reason?


MTV featured Rivermaya in Sessions. Makes me feel a lot better.

I finally cleaned my closet. Lo and behold, the real look of my closet is… skeletal. Half of the half I took out belongs to my sisters. The other half of the half is UNWANTED. Still, closet cleaning is particularly serious work, because you have to consider every piece of clothing carefully. Like, for example, you hold up a shirt, think of who gave it to you, its usefulness and such, how many times you’ve worn it, and, for clothes that you’re just waiting for the right opportunity to wear, you sort of wonder exactly where in the foggy future will you get to wear it. Does it get a second chance? Or you can’t give it away because some relative gave it to you (even though the odds of wearing it are zero to none)? After contemplating all such above, you put it in a certain pile. And that’s how the rigorous process goes. By the time you get to the third bottom shelf, clothes taken out usually make a sizable pile. And that’s what you clean up AFTER you do your closet.

Ah, cleaning. It’s just a fancy word for putting things in another place.


I’m so bored. I listened to the audio of my voice again on Bianca’s phone. It’s so… perky… and… embarrassing… It’s my December-24, bare-naked self talking and is so unbelievably NOT me. At least, not the one you usually know. Haha, I always sound high when I’m babbling on Bianca’s phone. And my voice sounds WEIRD. It doesn’t sound, nor look, like me. It’s so… konyo, though I don’t do taglish. Hahaha, I wish I could post it here, if not for the certainty that it WILL mortifyingly humiliate me.

Oh yeah, note to self: take out the stressball. I’m going to need it.


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