Monday, February 28, 2005

What a mess

Hmph. Just remembered why I left my blog alone for a few days. Double post and broken links. No amount of fiddling would fix them, dammit. Wanted my blog to be neat and perfect. Now I’d have to forego that.

Anyway, just a quick recap of the important events last week:

Thursday -

Treated myself to an album of Rivermaya and Bamboo. After that I finally obtained a copy of Lirael at a good price. Very happy about that. It's an advanced reading copy, with minor but bearable errors scattered throughout the page. Just less than... fifteen? Dunno. Didn't exactly count how many. It's still enough to my OC self want to correct everything though, but what the heck, who's complaining?!? My pocket's happy. That's all I need to know.

Now all I need is Sabriel and Abhorsen.

Friday -
Just bummed around. Didn't really do anything at all. Piano lessons in the afternoon. Then a neighbor's adult dinner party. They asked me to play for them. Well I didn't have any choice did I? Just wished the piano was in tune. The practices wasted for nothing. The only good thing that comes from that is I can always blame the piano for my mistakes, BUT I HARDLY MADE ANY DAMMIT! It just sounded like I did. Can't do anything about it so I'm letting it be.

Kuya Jek (is the spelling correct?), Ate Fay, Ate Don were telling us ghost stories. Couldn't go to the bathroom alone after that.

Saturday -
Senior's Legacy night: Sigma. Got my cd signed by Rivermaya. Booyah!!! I love Rivermaya. Spirit of 67: You're the greatest! Had fun jamming and bouncing all over the place. My body's aching as a result.

Sunday -
Shopping. Bought two skirts and two blouses. Wish I bought that Good Charlotte cd. I'll buy it next time... should I also buy that Mayonnaise cd? My classmate says they're good. I think I want GC first...

Today - Watched a hilarious game of chess by Melinda and Mikki with a lot of backseat drivers, myself included. Ms. Parinas too (of all people!).Then I got reconciled with my favorite program, Macromedia... Man I'm so good! Iba talaga pag marunong!!! Mwahahaha!!!

Just finished murdering, ehem, checking some arcticle drafts for Bianca, which were done by her groupmates. It's for their magazine project in reading. Had to control myself from scribbling "You are boring" or "You have no future in magazine writing" or "Your sentences are redundant and mundane" and a lot of other things if Bianca didn't tell us (ate and I) to control our inner Simon Cowell. Well seriously. Wala nang future an Pinas! I didn't write like that when I was in 6th grade! And I thought... oh well. I just hope they do better when they get older.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


It's already 11, but I feel like it's still around 9pm. Sigh. I can't concentrate that much on Algebra. I'm here at the pc, typing away, chatting with my cousin... well what better option do I have? (I can turn the pc off and STUDY properly... but I'm not gonna do that, haha) I can hear the TV from here. Our neighbor's noise penetrates through our bedroom walls... and to think that they're not immediately next to us.

*Blink* Wish I took a nap a while ago, but then again, most likely I would've slept through the whole night without studying.

Hm, my books beckon. I go now.

Monday, February 21, 2005


Just a note:


It's just now I realized that they don't work. I'd have to fix that some time. Fiddling with HTML is not a good idea right now.


It's been an interesting day altogether. I don't think I hate Mondays... I hate Tuesdays more... And Wednesdays and Thursdays. Fridays are a salvation, but then again, they never last long. It's like three-fourths of the day's wasted just because you came home from school. I spend most of my time napping after I come home, then wake up at around eight in the evening. Not much time left to do anything, but that's what Fridays are for. All rest and relaxation. :)

Anyway, this particular Monday started off with the usual routines: wake up, change clothes, breakfast, the hurrying, the yelling to get down already because it's quarter to seven... Nothing new exactly. I have discovered though, that if there's no traffic on the road, the usual travel time of twenty mintues (fifteen if dad drives fast) gets shortened to ten. Wow, if that happens everyday, that's like still being on time even if you leave at seven.
So I arrived in school rather early (early in our sense of the word), which is a nice change. I've been early in my life plenty times before, though the day before that usually means thorough preparation for a smooth morning afterwards. I'm not normally an early bird (more like a nearly on-time thing), but I get lucky. :D

General Assembly, announcements, then off to our first class: Swimming. I've nothing to say about this, except that I hear my bones cracking like knuckles whenever I do the frog legs. Ouch. Keeps me from doing the darned thing properly. After Swimming class: a bath, recess then Christian Life Education (CLE). Hahaha... now things get funny. It was only after most of recess had gone by that Melinda realized that she stepped on some poo!!! She was like "So that's why something seemed to stink..." I would've laughed outright, but if you're the one who was unlucky enough to have poo splattered on you shoe (hey, that rhymes!), it's not exactly a laughing matter. It was a good thing we had our Swimming class that day; she was able to change into slippers

We had to go to the Library for research during CLE. We were supposed to look up the interpretation of each line of the "Our Father". Well, that's what we were SUPPOSED to be doing. My groupmate got a book called "5600 Jokes for All Occasions". They started reading it aloud. Maaan, those are the 5600 CORNIEST jokes I never want to hear. There's something very UNfunny about rehearsed jokes that come from a book. Well, I guess it depends on the person delivering it. I just wonder what kind of person would need that book. Haha, at least the class clowns (aka my groupmates) got inspiration. They wanted to do a Guinness record of writing the most number of jokes, or something like that. Haha, I'd like to see that, if ever that comes to pass.

Science came next after. We had a free-form discussion, a refreshing change in scenery. I was able to exercise my arguing skills, though I didn't come across any worthy opponent, though that's like still being untested. Maybe I should try debate some time... Funnily, while we were given around a minute or two to think about what we're going to say, Sir Lorenzo was going around the room and he NEARLY stepped on the "leftover" poo. He grinned at us and asked "So where did this come from?", then told us to get the janitor. We were talking about prevention that day and Sir went like "If you called the janitor during recess, the I would have avoided almost stepping on the poo... or did you really want me to step on it?" Everyone had to laugh at that. Well, Sir Lorenzo, even if you are the corniest teacher around, we still love ya.

Oral English was next on the list after Science. Hm, nothing much happened, except that we sorta got grilled for the monologue thing. Yeah whatever. Lunch after that, then Algebra, Computer and Study period. Nothing worth noting there, though I had the worst Computer session I've had ever! Who was the wise guy who made Macromedia anyway??? If my pc hadn't broken down, and if the pc I transferred to didn't keep hanging, and if the person to my left had finished her work earlier and exchanged pcs with me, then I would've made quality work. But that was not to happen. Still, it was a miracle I came close to finishing something I just started 15 minutes before the time. Though it wasn't elaborate, it still embodies the Valentine theme: KISS; Keep it simple, sistah.

Well that's about all that happened today. Though there was one particular thing I forgot to mention that happened during lunch. Melinda and I were in the CAI computer room, and there were people on the pcs to our left, and to our right. The people on our right (two of them) were sorta noisy... well, these were the people who had the "oddball reputation" in the batch. I typed somehting on MSWord which read: How eccentric are the people next to us? --->. Melinda stifled a laugh and typed next ot it: yeah!. And then, those people we were typing about happened to look on our screen!!! My God! I didn't have the foresight to see that happening!!! Melinda quickly covered the monitor with a hand and said " Hey, don't look." But I know they saw it, and for the rest of the lunch period, I had the worst feeling ever. I wished I didn't have the idiocy to include the arrow mark when I typed in the statement. Then at least it could've been the people to our left, who I'm sure wouldn't mind. Waaah, I just chipped my rep. I'm supposed to be the good Samaritan... you know, the good kid. Haha, I'm not a fake, I really am a nice person... though I have my temptations, some of them occurring at the wrong times and places.
Now that's one lesson for today.

Friday, February 18, 2005

The end of the week! Finally!!!

Just came home from school. At least the Academic Week's over. Boredom can be tiring. I wished we had classes instead. Well, yeah, we weren't doing anything during the events, but that's just it. If we could get decent sleep without being stared at, maybe it would've been bearable. We had to resort to watching the oh-so-hellishly-slow clock while dodging teachers who were scouting for loiterers. Ehehe ... we were bumming around. We shouldn't have been, but wasn't interested in watching the events.

We watched a ballet recital at school. It's weird watching men in ballet. When they came up on stage Jen was like "Butt...chunky..." Had to laugh at that. I replied "That was one vulgar way to put it."
I prefer the word firm... but it's just so weird to see a man's legs in tights! I have nothing against it. I think it's cool how they just ignore the gay comments and continue developing their craft. Now that's a real guy. And know what, they aren't half bad. We could all do with more grace and a firmer ass. Hm... yeah, grace and a nice butt... sounds like Legolas, haha. That reminds me, check this out: Heeheehee...

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Aaargh, sister dear, GET OFF THE PHONE!!!

Tsss, love problems... Oh wow, Sappy Day just passed and there's luv problems already??? Hrmph. Not happy about this. Need phone. NOW.
Irritating. Gah.
-- -- -- -- --
I sound like a girly-girl. A teeny boppy girl. Oh yuck.
Hisss, all this love talk is annoying me... I can hear my sister going like "What?!? And he didn't even... dirty backstabber..." Blah blah blah. How one-sidedly people see things!!! I believe everyone has his or her reasons, though it may remain a mystery to us. I don't see the point in verbally assaulting someone behind his back just because your friend is crying because of him. Ah, the bias. And then, after all the tears, the phone calls, the verbal attacks, you see the whole story, and THEN you realize that you had been siding with the wrong person afterall. You can't base a whole person's being on some adjectives alone... which is precisely what my sister is doing (she's older by the way). I wonder why it makes people feel better to hear about other people's faults magnified a thousand times by a friend, after which they spend half the time butchering that person's every single aspect. Cruel things. People are so judgmental.
I am too, but not that extremely.
-- -- -- -- --
Hmph. After all this time you'd think my sister would be done with the phone but nooooo. You'd think she'd already wash the dishes but nooooo. And then you'd think that she would have thought of some other valid excuse to stay on the phone but nooooo. Man, the excuse lacks creativity. If I had been fibbing, at least I would've done it right.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Sappy Day!

So... I've finally made a blog.

Still feeling awkward... I have no idea how a blog works. Who do you talk to anyway? Yourself?
Oh well.

It's Valentine's Day today. Just wanted a special occasion to make a blog. I wanted to make one on my birthday, but that's four months away. Yes, I'm pretty OC about things like these. I wanted the perfect name, for my first blog, on the best day. Valentine's Day isn't really that special to me, but it's the closest anyway, so it has to do.
Well, first things first. I have to explain my blog, to tie all the loose ends together before making any more entires. Raison d'etre means "reason of being" in French. Hmmm... I wonder if I can change the title... but nevermind. Pohtaytoh is, obviously, potato. Just differed the spelling. I was thinking of a picture of my sister and I. She looked like a potato head. Har har, that cracked me up. Maybe I can post it here...
Hmm... pretty much that's it.
Now with the explaining done, I can move on quite smoothly. Hee, I'm a neat freak, so I have to keep everything organized, except for my pens.
Yap, that's it for now. My inspiration sorta ebbed away a while ago... besides, my sister's nagging me about something.
Maybe I'll write something next time on the subject of Braggarts. Afterall, I don't sit next to my Braggart B specimen for nothing... or rather, the specimen sat beside me... Oh the horror of it all! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE DAMMIT!!! Ah, the months I spent, being tortured by your maddening boasts! Damn braggart! I want to strangle the Bunny, grrr...