Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Aaargh, sister dear, GET OFF THE PHONE!!!

Tsss, love problems... Oh wow, Sappy Day just passed and there's luv problems already??? Hrmph. Not happy about this. Need phone. NOW.
Irritating. Gah.
-- -- -- -- --
I sound like a girly-girl. A teeny boppy girl. Oh yuck.
Hisss, all this love talk is annoying me... I can hear my sister going like "What?!? And he didn't even... dirty backstabber..." Blah blah blah. How one-sidedly people see things!!! I believe everyone has his or her reasons, though it may remain a mystery to us. I don't see the point in verbally assaulting someone behind his back just because your friend is crying because of him. Ah, the bias. And then, after all the tears, the phone calls, the verbal attacks, you see the whole story, and THEN you realize that you had been siding with the wrong person afterall. You can't base a whole person's being on some adjectives alone... which is precisely what my sister is doing (she's older by the way). I wonder why it makes people feel better to hear about other people's faults magnified a thousand times by a friend, after which they spend half the time butchering that person's every single aspect. Cruel things. People are so judgmental.
I am too, but not that extremely.
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Hmph. After all this time you'd think my sister would be done with the phone but nooooo. You'd think she'd already wash the dishes but nooooo. And then you'd think that she would have thought of some other valid excuse to stay on the phone but nooooo. Man, the excuse lacks creativity. If I had been fibbing, at least I would've done it right.


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