Monday, February 21, 2005


It's been an interesting day altogether. I don't think I hate Mondays... I hate Tuesdays more... And Wednesdays and Thursdays. Fridays are a salvation, but then again, they never last long. It's like three-fourths of the day's wasted just because you came home from school. I spend most of my time napping after I come home, then wake up at around eight in the evening. Not much time left to do anything, but that's what Fridays are for. All rest and relaxation. :)

Anyway, this particular Monday started off with the usual routines: wake up, change clothes, breakfast, the hurrying, the yelling to get down already because it's quarter to seven... Nothing new exactly. I have discovered though, that if there's no traffic on the road, the usual travel time of twenty mintues (fifteen if dad drives fast) gets shortened to ten. Wow, if that happens everyday, that's like still being on time even if you leave at seven.
So I arrived in school rather early (early in our sense of the word), which is a nice change. I've been early in my life plenty times before, though the day before that usually means thorough preparation for a smooth morning afterwards. I'm not normally an early bird (more like a nearly on-time thing), but I get lucky. :D

General Assembly, announcements, then off to our first class: Swimming. I've nothing to say about this, except that I hear my bones cracking like knuckles whenever I do the frog legs. Ouch. Keeps me from doing the darned thing properly. After Swimming class: a bath, recess then Christian Life Education (CLE). Hahaha... now things get funny. It was only after most of recess had gone by that Melinda realized that she stepped on some poo!!! She was like "So that's why something seemed to stink..." I would've laughed outright, but if you're the one who was unlucky enough to have poo splattered on you shoe (hey, that rhymes!), it's not exactly a laughing matter. It was a good thing we had our Swimming class that day; she was able to change into slippers

We had to go to the Library for research during CLE. We were supposed to look up the interpretation of each line of the "Our Father". Well, that's what we were SUPPOSED to be doing. My groupmate got a book called "5600 Jokes for All Occasions". They started reading it aloud. Maaan, those are the 5600 CORNIEST jokes I never want to hear. There's something very UNfunny about rehearsed jokes that come from a book. Well, I guess it depends on the person delivering it. I just wonder what kind of person would need that book. Haha, at least the class clowns (aka my groupmates) got inspiration. They wanted to do a Guinness record of writing the most number of jokes, or something like that. Haha, I'd like to see that, if ever that comes to pass.

Science came next after. We had a free-form discussion, a refreshing change in scenery. I was able to exercise my arguing skills, though I didn't come across any worthy opponent, though that's like still being untested. Maybe I should try debate some time... Funnily, while we were given around a minute or two to think about what we're going to say, Sir Lorenzo was going around the room and he NEARLY stepped on the "leftover" poo. He grinned at us and asked "So where did this come from?", then told us to get the janitor. We were talking about prevention that day and Sir went like "If you called the janitor during recess, the I would have avoided almost stepping on the poo... or did you really want me to step on it?" Everyone had to laugh at that. Well, Sir Lorenzo, even if you are the corniest teacher around, we still love ya.

Oral English was next on the list after Science. Hm, nothing much happened, except that we sorta got grilled for the monologue thing. Yeah whatever. Lunch after that, then Algebra, Computer and Study period. Nothing worth noting there, though I had the worst Computer session I've had ever! Who was the wise guy who made Macromedia anyway??? If my pc hadn't broken down, and if the pc I transferred to didn't keep hanging, and if the person to my left had finished her work earlier and exchanged pcs with me, then I would've made quality work. But that was not to happen. Still, it was a miracle I came close to finishing something I just started 15 minutes before the time. Though it wasn't elaborate, it still embodies the Valentine theme: KISS; Keep it simple, sistah.

Well that's about all that happened today. Though there was one particular thing I forgot to mention that happened during lunch. Melinda and I were in the CAI computer room, and there were people on the pcs to our left, and to our right. The people on our right (two of them) were sorta noisy... well, these were the people who had the "oddball reputation" in the batch. I typed somehting on MSWord which read: How eccentric are the people next to us? --->. Melinda stifled a laugh and typed next ot it: yeah!. And then, those people we were typing about happened to look on our screen!!! My God! I didn't have the foresight to see that happening!!! Melinda quickly covered the monitor with a hand and said " Hey, don't look." But I know they saw it, and for the rest of the lunch period, I had the worst feeling ever. I wished I didn't have the idiocy to include the arrow mark when I typed in the statement. Then at least it could've been the people to our left, who I'm sure wouldn't mind. Waaah, I just chipped my rep. I'm supposed to be the good Samaritan... you know, the good kid. Haha, I'm not a fake, I really am a nice person... though I have my temptations, some of them occurring at the wrong times and places.
Now that's one lesson for today.


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