Monday, February 28, 2005

What a mess

Hmph. Just remembered why I left my blog alone for a few days. Double post and broken links. No amount of fiddling would fix them, dammit. Wanted my blog to be neat and perfect. Now I’d have to forego that.

Anyway, just a quick recap of the important events last week:

Thursday -

Treated myself to an album of Rivermaya and Bamboo. After that I finally obtained a copy of Lirael at a good price. Very happy about that. It's an advanced reading copy, with minor but bearable errors scattered throughout the page. Just less than... fifteen? Dunno. Didn't exactly count how many. It's still enough to my OC self want to correct everything though, but what the heck, who's complaining?!? My pocket's happy. That's all I need to know.

Now all I need is Sabriel and Abhorsen.

Friday -
Just bummed around. Didn't really do anything at all. Piano lessons in the afternoon. Then a neighbor's adult dinner party. They asked me to play for them. Well I didn't have any choice did I? Just wished the piano was in tune. The practices wasted for nothing. The only good thing that comes from that is I can always blame the piano for my mistakes, BUT I HARDLY MADE ANY DAMMIT! It just sounded like I did. Can't do anything about it so I'm letting it be.

Kuya Jek (is the spelling correct?), Ate Fay, Ate Don were telling us ghost stories. Couldn't go to the bathroom alone after that.

Saturday -
Senior's Legacy night: Sigma. Got my cd signed by Rivermaya. Booyah!!! I love Rivermaya. Spirit of 67: You're the greatest! Had fun jamming and bouncing all over the place. My body's aching as a result.

Sunday -
Shopping. Bought two skirts and two blouses. Wish I bought that Good Charlotte cd. I'll buy it next time... should I also buy that Mayonnaise cd? My classmate says they're good. I think I want GC first...

Today - Watched a hilarious game of chess by Melinda and Mikki with a lot of backseat drivers, myself included. Ms. Parinas too (of all people!).Then I got reconciled with my favorite program, Macromedia... Man I'm so good! Iba talaga pag marunong!!! Mwahahaha!!!

Just finished murdering, ehem, checking some arcticle drafts for Bianca, which were done by her groupmates. It's for their magazine project in reading. Had to control myself from scribbling "You are boring" or "You have no future in magazine writing" or "Your sentences are redundant and mundane" and a lot of other things if Bianca didn't tell us (ate and I) to control our inner Simon Cowell. Well seriously. Wala nang future an Pinas! I didn't write like that when I was in 6th grade! And I thought... oh well. I just hope they do better when they get older.


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