Hehe. Kawaii, neh? Um, please ignore the fact that I didn't draw the body. I got too lazy to calculate the real position of the arms, since I drew the hands BEFORE I even drew (or attempted to draw) anything that has to do with the body. So there. I just included the neck so at LEAST it's a hint that he has something that supports the hands. Aaaand no, they aren't floating.
Backtrack to the weekend. I haven't posted in quite a while.
We watched the Eco Songfest in the afternoon. Five schools participated in the event, which was held in the Assumpta. Opinions on their performance is below.
1st Group (Miriam College):
Hm... The introduction seemed overly long and exaggerated to start with. They started out as sleeping fairies and then when they woke up the three groups began to sing some sort of roundabout intro. Something like "Zum-zum, zum-zum, zum-zum..." and another group goes "Lalala, lalala, lalala". And they were singing that with weird stiff actions. It's kinda hard to explain, but it was amusing. It faintly reminded me of Oompa-Loompas in the first movie. Their intro sounded rather peculiar, but Ate Justine told us (who's an Eco Club member and so helped with the organizing) that they were out-of-tune, because she heard them practice before. Kabado siguro.
I can't remember their song so I can't say anything about it. Their costumes... er, could have been improved, if they took off that ridiculous "skirt" that they wore at chest level. Their white pants and white shirt was fine.
2nd Group (Assumption Antipolo):
VERY powerful voices. Clear tones, excellent choreography (!), nice costumes. Oooh, KOMU!!! Ang galing niyo!!! All of us got very excited once we realized that it was our group who was about to perform. Which caused numerous hushed whispers to break out. Of course, put them all together and you're deaf. I was torn between wanting to scream in excitement (I didn't though) and being tempted to slap everyone who was making noise. Oh well. Their performance made shivers go down my spine. It was just so... AMAZING. I'm AWED. I wish I could have a cd of all their performances in the past years, ever since I got to watch the Songfest back in 7th grade.
3rd Group (School of the Holy Spirit):
I liked their performance better than Miriam's, though it was a pity that the mic malfunctioned while the soloist was doing the intro. Must've caused them points. Too bad.
4th Group (Cainta Catholic College):
Ay ito malupet. SONGfest po ito, hindi DANCEfest. They had a painted backdrop of trees and stuff, and the people on stage wore different costumes. They had seven singers down on the orchestra pit, and their musicians used a rock approach.
Okay, first of all, I think they got the wrong idea of the songfest. Secondly their seven singers seemed useless, since I could hear only ONE voice, which belongs to the girl standing before the mike, and on top of that, tunog paos pa. Their rock group was drowning out the song, and the dancers on stage, besides having unextraordinary choreography, made use of their uniform as one of the costumes which should have disqualified them, since they shouldn't wear anything that would identify them to the judges. Thank you for the laughtrip though. Better luck (and everything else) next time.
5th Group (De La Salle Araneta):
I didn't know there was a La Salle Araneta. But their group was pretty good. They had a cool tribal intro (think Lion King opening) with dramatic lighting. They used a violin, which was an excellent addition. Their soloist, a male, had a good voice. And except for the fact that they were doing The Robot at some point, I liked it.
So. On to the results.
Miriam placed third. I wonder why... I still like SHS better. La Salle placed second, which I agree on. (Most people I know share my opinion. We applauded loudly here.) And for the first place, having an astounding average of 95% (!) is... ASSUMPTION ANTIPOLO! At that, all of us leapt to our feet and screamed and cheered. Ah, school pride!!!
That win certainly made my day. Plus I got to borrow Ja's manga, HAHA! The stupid people to which I surrendered my pens (anything that may cause damage to the theatre: vandalism, etc...) lost my friggin things though. Damnit (I have an attachment to my pens. don't ask). I NEED A NEW PEN!!!!! ARGH! Made me furious. I'll get back to that on Monday.
So Ja lent me a Yaoi manga. Nothing lewd. I liked the story, hehe, kahit kabadingan siya. (Wataru, you're such a sissy!!! You behave like a girl...) HAHA, baka maging Jatism convert ako... or is that Paganism? HAHAHA. Ja, magaling kang preacher ng kulto mo a. Hahaha, kidding. Anyway, walang kakupas-kupas yung kwento. Kahit ilang beses ko basahin... haha, ang saya parin. Ja, salamat sa panandaliang aliw.
Ah, reminds me of the good old days, back when most animes I watched had good storylines. It's hard to find that now, which is why I'm losing interest. Reading a manga... hay. I'm still envious of comic artists. I think I'm getting rusty with drawing skills. I just do doodling right now. Hay...
Went to the dermatologist at St. Luke's Medical Arts building (my face is getting a pimple attack. boo). It was the first time I've been there... yet. I've seen this before, in a dream. And it was a dream I had as a kid. I remember the wooden walls, exactly that color, and the corridors, just like that, with the benches outside lining it. Amazing. I thought no such place existed. No, it didn't feel like it was deja vu. But the sight greeted me like an old memory. Yup, memory. More like that than a dream. And in the dream I used to have, it was also Mom and I, going to the doctor's. And it was raining too. Galing.
Went to Mass.
I suppose I'll study after this... or maglalaro. I've got a Stat test tomorrow, and then AP on Tuesday. We still haven't got around to doing the project on the Caste System. Which reminds me of another report pending. I need to research, but I don't have an internet card...
I don't feel like spending.
Oh wait. I do. I feel like going out and buying an Orange and Lemons cd. Yeah... that'd be nice. That would be very nice indeed...