Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Elistism and Contempt

Florante at Laura sucked.

And everyone else who watched it with us are effing idiots.

Appalling. Disgusting. Cheap. Pitiful.

I can think of a dozen more to describe their behavior. Absolutely actrocious. These people came from other *cough public cough*schools, who I guess, were also taking up Florante at Laura, including our batch. What's more, the play was done in OUR theatre. OUR beloved Assumpta theatre, so clean and nice and new. And what do they do?!? They begrime it with their very uneducated reactions. When we say CLAP, just CLAP, dammit! No wolf-whistles, no screams, no cheap stuff. And NO SCREAMING when the lights dim! For pete's sake! Gawd, I can't believe they're actually the future of our country. If we still have that thing existing.


How low can we go?

This is a CULTURAL presentation. And they were going wild on the fake kissing parts. Immature. Ang babaw.

I couldn't concentrate on the play. For one thing, they were talking in deep, fast Tagalog. Ang for another, I kept getting distracted. There were a group of people who kept doing a popping sound in their mouths. And it echoed all around the theatre. Stupid stupid stupid idiots, who only thought of making themselves a fool. Yeah, amuse me.

Unfortunately, you don't.

The irritation amounted to fury, and by the time the play ended (which was... blah.), I was shaking with rage. My knees threatened to buckle and trip me, so I had to control myself. I was in a very bad mood by the time I got to the classroom, only to go back down one floor for the FinCom meeting. To top off an annoying day, Mapple had to tell us we had to do something "of major importance". And out came the Pondo ng Pinoy bottles. What ho! We counted the darned things.

I got an 85 in Algeb. Not bad. Not bad at all. Ms. Jose is very generous with the points. She just gives you one point less than full marks on a problem for effort, even with the most incorrect answers. With Ms. Parinas, all we used to get was one point for effort.


We finally discover our advantages.

I'm off to do homework. I hope we do a review on Florante at Laura. I'll be sure to give it something SCATHING. *evil laugh


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