@$#&%^*$#&$%! GYAH!
I hate playing The Parent Game.
My goal: get their permission.
My enemy: my mom.
My strategy: NONE.
I do realize that I have to concoct a better strategy than NONE. Gawd, I hate it. Why am I so stumped whenever I ask? I am rendered speechless, nababara ako. I guess, out of the goodness in me and the upbringing of my parents and the idea of their wrath if I tell lies, I hesitate in deceiving them. No point really in that. But I do manage to wriggle in shady half-truths, and this being the foundation of my strategic lies, it's bound to crumble one way or another. So I don't take that, as much as possible.
Truth shall set me free... though I think that only works on the GOOD truth, which is almost nonexistent these days. The AWFUL truth... yeah, that one's pretty rampant.
What's with all the questions anyway?!? FUN HAS NO DEFINITE PURPOSE! To define it would limit it, put it in a box till it shrivels and dies away. It's happening right now as I write, as one of you knows. NO FUN. NO LIFE. And when I want to have fun, I have to drag the WHOLE family bandwagon along.
Zoom in on thought bubble:
(Giddyup horsey, time to round up the old biddies! YEEhaw!)
>.< Gah.
Anyway, stuff I have to do today (or within the week):
-Do Hay Infusion (tom)
-Study for AP test (tom)
-Study for English quiz (tom)
-Do Bio IP Proposal (due Friday)
-Do AP project (due next Monday)
-Plan Filipino presentation (due on one of the meetings)
-Organize Algebra stuff
-Practice Chinese Fan Dance in PE (*cringe*)
-August 5: Gaiman interview on Hanging Out on MTV
That's all I can remember. Hope I didn't miss anything out. >.<
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