Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Shirking my chores...

It is Wednesday, the day with an afternoon of most non-acad subjects. Nearly slept in Health, where Ms. Morales was droning on and on about the Medical-Dental Mission. A glance at Cara led me to believe she was just bored, not sleepy, for once. Amazing. I wanted to rest my head on my desk and close my eyes, but Cara was threatening to pinch me, as I had done when she was nodding off in Science.

AK came after Health, but they talked about the same thing anyway, that Medical-Dental Mission. To be frank, I have no desire to dabble in these sort of things. It's always donations, donations, donations. I'm already spent, what more can I give? I can't believe my classmates eagerly volunteer for this sort of thing. Running around and taking care of kids, facing the clamoring crowd as they try to get everything that's free. And then they get mad when it all becomes a very disorganized affair. They should be thankful we haven't given up on them and their undisciplined and unconctrollable ways. I might be assuming too much, but I feel rather sour about the whole thing. I do this because it's school work, but if it's anything else, I would rather not. Don't get me wrong. I want to help people, when I have a capacity to do more than just remedy their problem. I want to give them JOBS, not cash donations. Sure, it helps, but does it TEACH anything? It's teaching them to be a mendicant, perhaps. Even if we're more fortunate than they are, I don't believe it's an obligation to help them through donations. Perhaps to the poorest of the poor, that I would agree upon. But what about those who are able-bodied? Why not WORK for a living? And do some family planning for Pete's sake! They seem to be happy breeding and breeding in their spare time, which means ALL the time. I wish they'd be more responsible for their actions. The poor can't keep blaming the government without keeping up their part. They have more to give than just bumming aruond, making kids and dirtying the rivers.


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