The Road to Dandelion Shores
The Road to Dandelion Shores
I have no idea what it means, and neither has it any connection to this post whatsoever. I just like the ring of it. It sounds like a title for a poem... a poem! Hmm...
Well anyway, to begin the update. I skipped school on the second day of the Intramurals. I woke up at around 8, then still heavy with sleep, went back to bed (after just blinking awake) and woke up the second time at 11 am. Strange, but I still wanted to go back and curl up, if the day could've just maintained that perfect-for-sleeping weather. So I dragged myself out of bed, had breakfast, if you want to call it that, then offered assistance to Mom with her catering (well, Ate made me). She couldn't think of anything for me to do, so I just went up, saying that if she needed me, just call.
I finished reading Bram Stoker's Dracula upstairs. A good read, though sometimes grammatical errors would occur for paragraphs, even pages on end! This happened especially when Dr. Van Helsing was speaking. Every wrong sentence made me unconsciously flinch, but at the same time automatically changed tenses and subject-verb agreement without batting an eyelash. It was just too bad Dracula got killed just like that. It lacked... the frills and thrills of modern-day TV's exaggeration of a vanquishing. Much like Adolfo's death in Florante at Laura (who was killed by a not-so-major character! and a woman at that...). But then again, that might just be the commercialized person in me talking. I loved the freaky Lucy part, haha, when Dr. Van Helsing made Dr. Seward look at her coffin. And that Renfield patient. A very interesting lunatic, which was as much fun as the madman in Lu Hsun's A Madman's Diary.
It was a bit of an Awww moment when I found out that Van Helsing doesn't really look like his glamourized movie version. But upon further thought, the movie began to seem like an absurd fanfic which mashed up every horror classic character possible. Sure, the effects were fun and the transformations were pretty cool, but taking off the icing on the cake, you discover that it's all made up of sponge. Too bad, it rather lacked substance.
So besides that I LITERALLY did nothing on Friday. Bianca's friends came over and we had pizza. For Saturday, I FINALLY did the damned experiment. Took me a good two hours to finish. It's been weighing on my mind for forever. I can now put my mind at ease... I just regret being the leader now. Most probably I'll be frantically praying to the big G to please, PLEASE make the juice turn miraculously into vinegar, anytime soon now. If He could do the water to wine miracle, then He'll have no problem doing this. A small speck of faith wouldn't hurt. Heck, next thing you know I'll be moving mountains. Why not?
And now for today... same thing. Ate Kit lent me the second book of the Earthsea Series, The Tombs of Atuan. I think I like A Wizard of Earthsea better. Tombs of Atuan had only one main setting, which was dark, most of the time, and had only one color: black. Black robes, black blood, black darkness, black tunnel, black Undertombs, black Labyrinth, black obsidian monoliths, black, black, black. They seem to like that color, don't they? I mean the Priestesses of Godking and the Twin Gods. In our world they would fit right into the image of satanic worshippers, and it does seem like that. I still like Ged's character, which is one reason why I like the first book better. The second focused on the Tombs of Atuan (doi.) and the First Priestess Arha. Ged came in much later, only to steal Erreth-Akbe's other half of the amulet, which leads to other things besides.
Oops. All those names, names and names. I suppose you're wondering what I'm talking about. Skip over that paragraph if you want, though it's a tad too late for that.
I glimpsed Jolina Magdangal teaching some new novelty song dance moves on SOP. I mean, what the hell?! ENOUGH TRASH ALREADY!!! I cannot believe how the Masa willingly laps up all that the media feeds them. And when did this frickin fad start? The earliest I can remember is that "My heart goes sha-la-la-la-la..." song, which I, to my utter shame, confess that I had danced to that horrendous tune (back when I was a KID). Plus that Asereje incident. *cringe*
If anybody makes me dance these oofing things again, I will scream.
Mom had another catering job to do today. I would've escaped the tasks, but unfortunately, Ate made me do the roll-fish-into-flour-then-egg yolk-then-bread crumbs routine for the fish fillet when she heard my footsteps upstairs. Drat. Touching raw fish, then having some sort of batter sticking to your fingers from all the dipping, is not fun. I made Bianca do the work when she woke up from her nap. But then, Ate handed the task of shelling quail eggs to me, so I had to do that also. Not that I didn't want to. I mean, it was ok, being the lazy bum that I've been these past few days. It was a change of pace, the kind which you love and hate at the same time.
I was watching a bit of Y Speak a while ago. The problem with these informal exchange of ideas (besides the fact that they seem to get a little personal at times) is that the subject is very broad, and they cannot therefore discuss one aspect of the topic without flying off to another aspect, making the discussion flit from one thing to another in a dizzy kind of reasoning, or worse, making it go around and around and around and around... you get the picture. It's at times like these that I realize the value of a Definition (of a Motion).
I'm still contemplating on wearing contact lenses. They're convenient, alright, but taking them off requires an hour, a lot of tears, a lot of whining, a lot of desperate prayers and a lot of misery before they come off. And when they do come off, it happens by accident, so I have absolutely NO idea how I took off the darned thing. Drat, drat, drat.
Crazy song of the moment: *to the tune of The Beatle's Let it Be chorus*
Let-ter A, letter A, letter a, yeah, letter A! Ang susunod na letter, letter B... Let-ter B, letter b, letter b, yeah, letter B! Ang susunod na letter, letter C...
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