Thursday, October 13, 2005

Kaunting tiis na lamang...

Today I woke up to one of the nicest mornings I’ve had, so far. It reminded me of Baguio. You know, refreshingly cold but still sunny. It made me want to stretch out, stand on tiptoe and say “Good MORNING sunshine!” And I actually did. Several times in fact, haha, though I wasn’t greeting anybody in particular. Except for the one time that I did it to Bianca.
I don’t know why, but it made me feel a lot happier than usual.

I survived English and Bio. The former was easier, plus I liked the story. It was a story from Thailand, entitled “Rains”. A very sad story, that one. As for Bio… I now feel… relief. Thank God it’s over. Though half of me is sorta disappointed that it was easier than I expected, which makes me wonder if the hours I spent on it were in proportion to the test. Or maybe that’s because I studied so much? Anyway, goodbye bacteria, protists, viruses, fungi and plant organs! I’ll see you when I need you. As for now, you can go away, away, awaaaay…

Dad got the pictures from Bianca’s birthday party. HAHAHAHA. The pictures were far from perfect (there was always somebody blinking and stuff) but everything looked fun. I looked like I was in the preliminary stage of preparation for a ball or something, with my hair pinned up and everything… So, halata bang pantulog yung “kimono” na ginamit ko? But-my-lipstick! Argh! It was, to my horror, off-center. Greaaaaaaaat. Just GREAT.

No going back though. But I sure had a lot of fun.

Speaking of pictures, the yearbooks were released last Monday (hello grade 7 me). Cheesy one-liners galore. I don’t know how they can stand having their descriptions so—so ordinary. Those usual stuff like “She brings out the best in each blah blah blah…” or “A true friend that keeps you smiling on rainy days…” Ok, so imbento ko lang yun, but you get the idea… right? RIGHT?!? Thank God my former self didn’t like cheesy stuff (and I still don’t), at least enough to warrant a decent description beside my picture. Sure enough. I can’t remember what it said exactly, but it was something about knowledge and stuff. And nicely written right below it was “Academic Honors”. Hehehe.

I didn’t buy a yearbook, since I can see all that there is to see when I borrow one (of course that’s AFTER my classmates finished poring over theirs). My classmates were busy getting their yearbooks signed. I couldn’t write properly because “Academic Honors” was hogging the space, and the marker was rather thick too. I don’t know about them, but if I had a yearbook, I’d want them to sign with a pen cause it’d be a lot less messy.

Seeing our Grade 7 batch makes me think of old friends, old faces that left for different schools. And though I didn’t enjoy that year as much as the others did, it still sucks to miss them.


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