Sunday, March 13, 2005

No title today .

Well, thank you first of all to Ate Fay, for the Shoutbox, and to Kuya Benji, for putting in my blog. Thankies!!! Seriously, HTML gives me a headache. Sure, I guess it’s simple enough to understand, but that involves a lot of memorization and stuff. Maybe I’ll learn it later. Hopefully. I still have Kuya Benji fix anything if I do something wrong anyway. Yay! Har har.

I wanted to post something last night, but I was too busy watching TV to drag myself to the pc and type. I usually don’t watch TV during school days, often because my after-school routine is just sleep, eat, use the pc and if I still have time, do my homework. Hmmm… I admittedly don’t have any study habits. Now that I think about it, I’m lousy when it comes to studying, but I manage anyway. I have to establish study habits soon, however. I’m now feeling the pressure of aiming at academic honors for graduation, even if it’s three school years away. I don’t want to feel so indifferent about it, then realize how badly I wanted it after all. It happened when I was in seventh grade. Just around a few days before graduation, it suddenly dawned on me that everyone was expecting me to receive a medal, and I lamented (and even cried a bit) over the fact that it was now too late to do anything, because I didn’t want to disappoint anyone. Thankfully, I still got honors. Felt VERY relieved after that.

Anyway, back to last night.

I was able to watch Gilmore Girls, my favorite show. I’ve been missing a lot of episodes lately, due to the fact that its time is in conflict with our dinner. There are some people who can’t fully appreciate it because they’re kinda slow in catching the humor (read: Bianca, Mom and Dad). I dunno. Maybe they’re just not concentrating or whatever.

I stayed up late just watching no particular show because I was too lazy to go to sleep. Too lazy! Well… sort of. I’m a scaredy-cat. I’ve been one ever since I read The True Philippine Ghost Stories. I used to scoff at it, mostly for its grammatical errors, wrong editing, typos and stuff. But it began to scare me so much that I rather dread going to sleep nowadays. I fear the unseen mostly for two reasons: one, they cannot be scientifically explained and two, there is no certain protection against them. I’m a skeptic. But I know these things are real, yet I deny their existence. Funnily, this is the same kind of thinking that leads people in the movies to their death, just because they refused to believe something that could have been true. This is the same kind of situation that I vowed never to be caught in, but now I wonder. Could my skepticism lead me to my untimely demise?

I guess I should just be open to all possibilities, no matter how far-fetched they may seem.


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