Sunday, August 05, 2007

HOLY FRIKKIN MOLY-- it's finally done!!! :D

After two days of semi-hermitage, I have now emerged-- slightly more overloaded than usual, but still functioning. At YES! TAPOS NA ANG UPCAT! WOOOHOOO! Happy dance on eggshells! *crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch* What a relief! I never thought I would actually have the balls to do those things. It's not just about taking the test (and thinking you're contending for a slot along with 70,000++ others who are better than you-- what a glum thought -_-); it's the whole agonizing ordeal of reviewing too. I hate hate HATE reviewing. I like to learn, fine, but I'd rather do it at my own pace, thanks.

I think this was-- is-- a good day. And I think I did fine, considering na medyo alanganin ako sa Science (puro genetics! WAAATISDUT.) at sumemplang ako sa Math (huhuhu). I reviewed my lessons, ate peanuts, listened to Tchaikovsky, prayed to St. Philomena, took a double dose of vitamin C, wore sensible clothes (although the colors were, fashionably speaking, irreconcilable) and did some brain calixthenics (is it spelled "calisthenics"? Bah, whatever. Now is not the time to be mature about spelling. -_-). Ayun. I call that preparedness! Haha! I also answered tons and tons of review booklets. Kadiri yung math dun sa mga booklets!!! O_O Puro nosebleed math!!! I tried asking my sister for help, who looked at the problem(S) I was pointing at, disconcertedly grunted and waved it aside. Gee. Thanks. It's a good thing the UPCAT Math part wasn't that hard. My arithmetic foundation just isn't so stable as others think it is...

But I'll stop obssessing now. What happened twelve hours ago is now in God's hands. Haha!

In other things...

It's the first time I've seen my batchmates in a college setting. I saw Joanne and Erinn lined up (they were the batch after me), and suddenly, I felt this wave of fondness for my classmates. The idea of everyone parting ways after several more months is already sinking in. It's a sad thought, one that makes you want to cling to the present all the more. Awww.

We also dropped by South Supermarket after to buy groceries. Nagpa-picture na rin ako ng 2x2 kasi kulang ako ng pics for my other application forms. And MAI GOLLY. I look-- I look-- 'ORRIBLE. And 'AGGARD. And simply god awful! :)) Iyan and itsura ng isang UPCAT examinee pagkatapos ng UPCAT. Hay naku.

Well anyway, with the UPCAT done, it's back to unhappy reality. I have two essays waiting for me as well as costume planning for English. I'm doing Bast. I actually wanted to do a character from Celtic mythology (Baba Yaga would have been cool!), but I don't think everybody could relate to that (aw, it sucks) so I chose Bast(et) from Egypt instead. She's the goddess with the cat head. And since I have a fondness for cats (I mean, a fondness for cats as CATS, not as pets), I think I'll be able to stomach doing a five-line monologue as her. (I was also wondering if I should pick Anubis, but I thought cat ears are more distinguishable than dog ears so I picked her.) I don't really like taking on a Greek god/goddess. They're pompous and silly creatures, you know? And besides, me trying to pull them off would be awkward. If I was going to do Greek, I'd rather pick Charon or some sedate minor character. It's easier to act them out.


Oooh, I already saw the Stardust poster in Robinsons a while ago! YAAAAAY! 2007 is a GREAT movie year.


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