Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Portents of 3v1L

George Lucas on Spiderman 3:

"It's silly. It's a silly movie," he said. "There just isn't much there. Once you take it all apart, there's not much story, is there? People thought 'Star Wars' was silly, too," he added, with a wink. "But it wasn't."

HAHAHAHA! George Lucas, you crack me up. I think Star Wars is silly-- script-wise anyway (though I do like the story arc, as a whole). Star Wars 3 was a torment (you can't get worse with lines like "Anakin, you're breaking my heart!"); personally, I think Spiderman's screenplay is better written and better delivered. Compared to Hayden Christensen's robotic acting, Tobey Maguire simply gives his character (and the movie) the justice it deserves.

I finally finished reading the whole Lord of the Rings series-- again.

I have to say I really like the book. As in I really like it. Not for the movie's sake, but for its own strengths as a book.

I think it's sad that everyone has to go away in the end, after all they've been through. I mean, Aragorn eventually dies (and leaves Arwen, who wastes away in Lorien), Frodo and Gandalf move to the Undying Lands (and Sam does too, when he gets older, as last of the Ringbearers), Pippin and Merry also die, and Legolas and Gimli (as the appendices say) build a ship and sail away into the Sea. Sigh. It's strange to feel like I miss them all.

I wish they would make some sort of epilogue-type short film, concerning the tale of Aragorn and Arwen. I'd really love that. Hehe, I actually dreamed of an LOTR 4-ish movie called The Purging of the Black Lands (uy, pwede!), which depicted Rohan and Gondor rounding up the last remnants of those scattered orcs. It was pretty cool.


Did you know that...

Donkeys and mules kill more people than plane crashes, yearly?

And that men are four times more likely to be hit by lightning than women?

Thanks National Geographic.


If I'm not mistaken, I think Meg needs a campus cutie to interview. Sabay campus cutie ng... Assumption. Haha! Di pala lalake e no.


I was able to watch Rock Ed's Malinis Please pre-elections event on tv, and they interviewed Gang Badoy.

And WOW.

Her enthusiasm is infectious! It transcended the tv screen and hit me squarely in the face. I actually wanted to go out and do something right then and there (regardless of the fact that it was already 11 pm at night and that I was in my PJs) and just... DO SOMETHING. Something for nation building! More than the modern young professionals, more than the cool socialites and rock stars, Gang Badoy is exactly the kind of person I admire: relentless in empowering people to WORK for the good, and selfless in giving themselves for a cause. Hearing her voice makes me think that we, as the youth, have so much more to offer-- so much, that the rest of our capabilities still remains untapped, and it actually got me excited to think of the possibilities that could happen when we mobilize ourselves for action.

I think AA08 definitely has to meet her.

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