Saturday, August 05, 2006

This post is not in any way profound

There's a tinkle of soft chimes riding on the wind. Soft, drowsy-- it reminds me of a lot of things.

It's stopped now.

"Friendships are like plants. If you don't care for them, they wilt and die."

Ika nga ng Sims (pag bumababa na yung friend rate). Hay.

What is it about boredom, laziness and separation that creates a chasm among us?

English Orals: a group presentation on any of the selections. We chose the Pardoner's Tale (of Death and the Three Revelers). We're planning on doing a skit with rhyming lines. I'm doing the script, only the outline they (actually, she) handed to me has FIVE scenes, plus some sort of Transition scene thing. It would be dandy if this were a playlet, but we're actually given only ten minutes to do the darned thing. I'm not sure if the "mini-monologues" she wants can still be stuffed in there.

Hmmm... *frowns*

It's at times like these that I can't help but compare the THEN and NOW. If I was in section 5... Okay, so I'm starting again. This is totally unfair to everyone. So. I have to stop this.

It's also at times like these that I feel like I'm some sort of closet control freak. This is why I dislike group work; no room for personal creativity, and you have to take care of everybody else's feelings, which is exhausting. (Doesn't anyone feel this kind of frustration?!) Poof.

Ate's UPCAT is today. Good luck to her. Mom was acting like one of those stage mothers: "Ba't andami mong dala? Bawal yan dalhin dun a! Basahin mo kasi permit mo!!! O dali, tumawag ka kay Lola, malakas yun sa dasal. Tawag ka na!" etc, etc. Things like those. The excitement-slash-bubbling-stress nearly ruined the morning for Ate. Poor her.

I hope I won't crap out of my UPCAT when it comes. I'm scared. I can't STUDY everything in just one summer. What's worse is the fact that I unclog my brain from all that math after every quarter; There's the possibility of not ever attaining mastery in that area. EVER.

I hate math. GAAAAARHHH!!!!

This post is nonsensical and insubstantial.

I don't feel like writing anymore.


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