At the end of the week
I've put up another blog, Indefatigable Sleeper. I originally created this because I wanted to reserve the URL in case I want to start a different kind of blog; having a dream blog was the farthest thing from my mind though (I was thinking more of literary experiments running amok), but it was already named Indefatigable Sleeper in its creation. So it made sense that I could and should put dreams there.
Check it out, and do put in your comments.
This week's update:
Manny Pacquiao fight: the first I've actually stayed around to watch. (Yay me! Oh Motherland, you can now welcome me from exile.) We went to Lolo's house to watch with him. It was okay (I like my Grandfather), but watching with mom is annoying. She kept psychologically ANALzying Manny Pacquiao and doing predictions that he was going to lose because of this and that.
Tell me, how painful is it to be a Sociology grad? I'm amazed Lolo didn't say anything about it; he just enjoyed the fight.
It was pretty boring before the telecast, so I took pictures with the digicam and played around with Lolo's trophies, carabao figurines and whatnot.

Took a picture of a baby bird that fell from the nest (it's facing the wall). It's a tiny thing.

And at another angle

(I swear, I resized all pictures to 25%. Bahala na kayo sa scrolling.)
Class Encounter. I was getting teary-eyed in the morning, because I knew wouldn't be with III-3. Ky gave me a hug, which saddened me all the more.
The activity started with games. I hate group games when you're new and everbody else isn't. Needless to say, I didn't enjoy those very much. Ms Virgie's affirmation thing was after recess. I suppose it's nice to get compliments and all, but being unfamiliar with everybody, there's no consolation and guarantee that the comments I give are sincere, in the same way I don't expect the comments I received are. It's a sad part of reality. I numbed myself while the activity lasted; that way, I wouldn't feel so bad about lying to myself and to other people. The anticipated Open Forum was after lunch. In truth, it's too early to have class issues (it's barely a month!), so we targeted teachers instead. Ayun, puro sumbong tungkol sa mga teachers. Sir Louie was one of those-- my classmates were offended that he got mad and started comparing us with the next section and so forth. (In my mind's eye, his image suddenly sprouted horns, had an evil smirk and was laughing mockingly. I blinked, and it imploded.) It's amazing how quickly descriptions sour when it's one-sided. Honestly, I thought that Sir Louie had basis for getting mad; he DID give us the rules. Sure, maybe the you're-worse-than-anyone-else part was overboard in his sermon, but to be frank, I think that we're all too sensitive at times.
Other issues were the LPs, teaching method and assignments. The complaints had a point, but they were quickly getting exaggerated. (Buti absent si Arra, kundi kikilatisin niya si Ms Henson tungkol sa kanyang grammar, hahaha.) I think that by this time, we should all have a sense of responsibility, as third years. We should know how to act fast and make use of the time properly. Pag group work, yun lang. We take so much time just getting the work done that it sometimes drives me inwardly crazy. We're all pretty pampered, actually. A little stub on the toe, and we're already sniffling to Ms Virgie. In a way, we're preventing character formation and critical thinking. I mean, some people ask me my opinion on their opinion before they recite-- what the heck, it's yours, so why ask me? It's exasperating, tiring and it's driving me up the wall thinking about it.
This is like the issue of spanking-- you don't know what's rightly in-between.
To my batchmates: kung mahirapan man tayo, andyan si Ms Jose. She assured us she'll do everything she can to make it easier for us. Aalalayan daw niya tayo. And I have no reason to doubt that. (She's so nice. She said that she felt like a mother to all of us, and for some reason, I had to blink back tears when she said it.)
So, balik sa Class Encounter. After we closed the issue on the teachers, Ms Virgie wanted the newbies to talk. Out of the former section 5 people, ako lang hindi nagsalita. I was afraid I would cry if I did; a knot was already in my throat and my mind was going overdrive trying to calm myself before I let out a premature sob.
We finished early. III-1 wanted to do picture taking after. I didn't join in. The pine trees reminded me of the Baguio hoax we did in first year. Awww, guys, I miss you.
III-3 (former I & II-5), para sa inyo to:
Is this home?
Is this where I should learn to be happy?
Never dreamed
That a home could be
Dark and cold I was told
Every day in my childhood
Even as we grow old
Home should be where the heart is
Never were words so true
My hearts far, far away
Home is too.
(--Beauty and the Beast the Musical: Home)
Haha, drama. Pero miss ko na talaga kayo.
Fooling around. I was too drunk on laughter to smile properly.

Ang boyfriend kong bading. AHAHAHAHA. Parang kakalaba lang niya sa ilog.
My sister is so manly. :))
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