Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Back again

I haven't been posting since Ate Fay taught me how to upload pictures. In truth, I was rather overwhelmed, as well as excited (I'm HTML illiterate, remember?), so it left me in a muddle. I didn't know what to do first. I usually leave things alone when I feel like this, much like the time when I tried Sims2 (Gomen Kuya!). So yeah, I won't be using any of my new skillz anytime soon... at least not until I get over this.

In other things...

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This is just one of the few computer-drawn pics that I ever finished. I drew and colored this in Paint, since the more sophisticated programs are in the other pc.

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I made Ate read Lirael, and now she loves it as much as I do. Yay! That's what our copy looks like. I never knew there were so many versions of the book's cover. It's prettier in real life, cause I can't seem to guess the right height and width for this thing. THAT is hard work.

Aaaaand no, her hand isn't floating in mid-air.

So that's about it. I know I said I wouldn't be uploading pics but this is just a test run.


Blogger Admin said...

ka-adik noh? hehe
qt ng 1st pic

8:37 AM


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