Friday, March 18, 2005

Nap is good.

All right. I take it back. Catcher in the Rye isn't as bad as I thought a while ago.

Must've needed my nap. How tired was I? That much? Enough to make me mad over a book. Sleep cleared my mind a little, and I now see it in another perspective. Tsk. I want to read the whole darned book again just to know if Holden really was what I said before (except for being repetitive--that one's definite), or maybe I got that impression because I was getting cranky. Well, he was being slightly unreasonable... But anyway, no need to argue with myself again. I have three days to finish the book.

The hurrying does not help, especially when I have no mind to devour it that fast.


Blogger Admin said...

sleep is better... hehe... :p

11:27 PM


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