Saturday, November 11, 2006

My opinion shall not harm the world.

Not that it matters much, from the way I see it.

The only show I've ever felt like watching these days is the Amazing Race. Go Cho Bros!!! They're so darned nice that you just want to kick them for impracticality, and hug them because they're just so thoughtful and everything. You don't see people like that often, especially not in a race where there is a million dollars at stake. I dunno... the way they go about their principles just moves me. It moves me every Monday. Haha okay... That sounds wrong.

Rummaged around in Wikipedia--

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Beetlejuice! I fleetingly remember watching this when I was a tiny kid. I also remember mom discouraging us from watching the series-- I suppose the show offended her delicate sensibilities, and she assumed it would damage our fragile little membranes as well. As a result, we haven't learned to make a hobby out of making farty noises with our armpits. Thanks mom.

I'm supposed to post a picture of Zatana here as well-- she's a member of the Justice League, and just recently, I decided that I liked her very very much, so I'm adding her to my roster of Favorite Superheroes. I also came across her while I was reading The Books of Magic. Her coolness is at par with Death.

Anyway, the computer is hyperventilating and going nuts, so I'd rather not be here when the volatile situation explodes.

[12 hours later]

Good thing I was somehow able to save the text in Wordpad, so I'm continuing this.

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This is Zatana. She is busty to an obscene extent-- I can't really figure out why she has those things up there. I don't see how she can run around with those without hitting someone with them. I'm guessing a guy drew this, so go figure. At least she's more proportioned in the JLU series.

Yak, ang geeky. Wala lang. Feel ko lang magpost tungkol sa paborito kong cartoons. Which reminds me-- Dad told me the quickest way to a man's heart is to either bribe him with food, or talk his language... meaning that if he's obssessed with basketball, then you update yourself on the NBA, or if he's a comics junkie, you inform yourself on the superheroes and etc etc. Oi, Melinda ayun na cue mo. Ayon sa research ko (yak, stalker na raw), mahilig yung guy mo sa comics.

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Gerard Way looks better with blonde hair. Definitely.

I watched The Making of the Black Parade a while ago. It was pretty cool. Collen Atwood is such a superb costume designer. I think she did Edward Scissorhands and Sleepy Hollow. Hehe, kaya pala bagay sa video.

Speaking of Sleepy Hollow, it was showing last night.

I hate the fact that I still can't watch it in any time other than broad daylight.


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