Saturday, February 11, 2006


We watched the Merchant of Venice movie yesterday. So gay, so gay! Especially when Bassanio "thanked" Antonio with a kiss. He holds Antonio's face, slowly leans forward and kisses him on the lips!!! And he was like, smiling and all, which was creepy. On top of that, they were in the bedroom. What the--?! You don't discuss business and debt in the bedroom.

General reaction was:

*moment's stunned pause... then "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!"*

So... mentally disturbing.

I could see Ja and Melinda totally enjoying the scene, sitting three places ahead of me. Ang ingay nila haha.

"And you might say I'm pretty when I smile...
I'm told my beauties in my frown."
- Emanon

Zarah, that line is for you. (HAHA.)

It's a poem we used back then in Grade 5 for OE. Never figured out who wrote it.


I wasn't able to submit my notebook for AP, wherein we were supposed to read our book and answer a set of questions on Manchu China and Tokugawa Japan. I didn't take down the questions... so I didnt' write anything. But I DID read the book. And I embodied the phrase "ACTIVE participation" by being Hermione-esque. I'm not sure my other classmates read the book; they were pretty silent.

I confess, I was feeling particularly smug at those moments.

Anyway, back to the notebook. I told Ms. Molave I wasn't able to answer the questions but I read the book, so could I *pretty please* not pass it? She said it was okay. HAH! I like getting away with those things. Credibility does have its perks. *evil grin*


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