Sunday, July 03, 2005


*looks at post title*

Hm... well I was feeling pretty snappish a while ago. Though I already got some sleep so I'm feeling happier right now. No point in pursuing rotten feelings.

So anyway, today is fine. It would be better if I'm spending it the way I want, but I'm happy with this day.

We first celebrated Mass this morning. Mom was threatening to make us go to another one if we're late. Blah blah. Nothing new there. We always wake up at around 8, get ready for about thirty minutes or so, and we're done. Sakto. 8:30 ang Mass.

We went to Lola immediately after and had lunch there. As usual, busog. Why is EVERYTHING in our culture centered on food? And then Tito Boy's birthday cake was brought out to be shared (he couldn't bring it to the States). Upon opening, Kuya Francis went "Gyah!" when he saw it. Had to laugh at that. It was the first time he saw the thing and if you know what a Kink Cake is, you'd know why he reacted that way.

It was... I don't know what to call it. Maybe obscene, maybe hilarious. I'd personally describe it as the latter. Aha! I know. It's a rated PG-13 cake. Haha.
It was a woman's body, from the breasts down to the pubic hair. What's more, there was this man dangling from one of the breasts.
Taking a piece was a challenge. I had to study it, to see exactly WHERE I could slice a piece off without getting a chunk of the, er, things. I finally decided on the side. Whew.

I had piano lessons immediately right after. Teacher asked me to play Chopin. AGAIN?!?!? I thought we were done with that!!! But I did it anyway.
I'm thinking of buying a metronome. Sigh... I actually want to buy and do a lot of things this month.

-Go to a movie
-Watch a play (Beauty and the Beast?)
-Go to Neil Gaiman's book signing
-Buy one of his books (oops, I should do this BEFORE the book signing)
-Go to Avilon Zoo
-Buy more art stuff

Need money, money, money...


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